Septic tank maintenance

Sand mound odor control

Sand mound odor control

This article will cover sand mound odor control. Stimulus is something that activated the senses. It enables various organs to function. It could either lead the body to react positively or negatively. Every single organism receives a lot of stimuli. The sense organs catch every single one of them and relay them to the organ systems that need them. For every stimulus is a reaction. One perfect example is your home. Inside and outside of your home’s premises are various stimuli that help mold your day. Inside, you could see happy kids, smell fragrant aromatic candles, or hear laughter. Outside, you may hear vehicles going by, smell fresh grass, or see the neighbors talking across the street. All these stimuli could be instantly erased if one element in your household goes crazy—the sand mound system.

The sand mound is a type of unconventional septic system that is installed above the surface. It is designed specifically to help adjust the percolation rate of your property’s soil type. It could either be too slow or too fast, but the sand mound takes care of it so that the wastewater treatment process won’t be too fast or too slow either. This special septic system is also composed of a tank and a soil absorption system. The anaerobic bacteria reside in the tank to take care of the solid waste materials that enter with the raw wastewater. The aerobic bacteria reside in the topsoil. They regulate the biomat and digest any minute traces of solid waste materials still present in the effluent. The biomat removes the pathogens from the effluent before it’s released into the external environment.  These two major divisions of the sand mound system need a lot of care just like the conventional septic. If ideal maintenance practices are not provided, there will surely be sand mound problems that will arise such as sand mound odors.

Sand mound odors are very detrimental to everyone’s health. It is ne stimulus that you don’t want drifting about in your home or on your property. Sand mound odors contain toxic fumes that affect the health of those who inhale them. One common gas that’s present in the sand mound odor is methane. Methane or CH4 ranks second to the most abundant greenhouse gases produced in the US, all from activities done by man. It’s colorless an odorless. Human activities in industries, agriculture, and waste production all yield huge amounts of methane. If you’re exposed to this gas for a long period of time, you will experience asphyxiation. Another gas present in sand mound odors is hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is also colorless but has the terrible smell of rotten eggs. It’s known as “sewer gas” because it’s is the product of solid waste breakdown. At low levels of the gas, the rotten egg smell will be obvious. But at high levels, the gas becomes odorless. At this point, you will get sick and this may lead to fatality. At low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, you will experience coughs, throat irritation, eye irritation, fluid in your lungs, and shortness of breath. Two weeks after exposure, these symptoms will eventually disappear. On a prolonged exposure at a low concentration, you will experience loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, headaches, dizziness, and memory loss. At extreme concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, you will die after just a few breaths.

Sand mound odor control  should be immediately administered by the local septic expert is you get a whiff of sand mound odors. It is vital that the matter is resolved at the soonest possible time to prevent health problems in the household. The most effective sand mound odor control is the application of bacteria based additives after pumping the system out. Bacteria are effective, organic helpers that don’t have chemicals to contaminate the surrounding environment with. As they sweep the sand mound of solid waste materials, they eliminate the foul sand mound odors. With prolonged use of bacteria, your home can never receive the negative olfactory stimulus again.