Septic tank maintenance

landscaping around septic systems

How to landscape around leach field lines

This article will cover how to landscape around leach field lines. Leach field, also known as a drain field, is where the last phase of wastewater treatment happens. This is where the aerobic bacteria continue to break down the minute solid particles in the wastewater. The aerobic bacteria also regulate the biomat that purifies the effluent. By the time the effluent makes it to the water table, it will be potable enough to be reused. Many experts say that if the leach field lines fail, the entire septic system is doomed. You would end up with an uninhabitable home and a he hole in your pocket. The task of taking good care of your leach field means that you have to consider everything before you do something to your lawn or yard. Making sure that your septic system is functional and optimal is important. Doing so will help you maintain a good-looking yard and a flowing septic at the same time.

Homeowners often want to landscape their yards in an attempt to make their garden dream come true. Well, it is possible to have a beautiful garden. You just have to make sure that your leach field is not harmed in any way. Landscaping involves choosing specific plants and building particular structures that will make your yard more attractive. If you make the wrong decision, you will end up interrupting your wastewater treatment system. Here are some considerations in how to landscape around leach field lines:

  • Divert the rain gutter drains away from your leach field. Heavy rains introduce excess water and sediments into the leach field. As you know, leach field lines are made up of perforated pipes. The perforations are needed to distribute the effluent throughout the leach field evenly. These holes are also easy access points for rainwater and sediments to enter the septic system. Once excess water makes it inside the pipelines, the raw wastewater will be pushed back into the septic system and into your home. When rainwater falls over the septic tank, the excess water will rush into the tank, stirring up the solid waste particles in the tank, delaying the breakdown process performed by the resident anaerobic bacteria. When this happens, the solid particles flow towards the leach field. The leach field lines become clogged and the wastewater treatment is interrupted.
  • Do not place any irrigation systems over the leach field lines. These will only add more water into the leach field lines, pushing back the raw wastewater in your home. Sprinklers and birdbaths are examples of these irrigation systems.
  • Do not make your leach field a parking space or a place for your tool shed. The heavy weight will cause soil compaction. This will damage the leach field components and give way to leaks. If this goes unattended, you will definitely face a failed septic soon.
  • Choose the right plants to place in your yard. You should consult your arborist and landscape architect when it comes to this matter. Many trees grow quickly. This means that they have the most aggressive root systems that your leach field can encounter. They reach deeper and farther than other plants just to access the closes supply of water and nutrients. Their invasive roots penetrate the leach field lines and grow inside them. The roots form meshes that clog the normal flow of wastewater. They also damage the pipelines. When this happens, wastewater leaks and flooding take place.
  • If you’re sure of the shrubs’ root range as it grows, then you can plant them near your leach field lines. Otherwise, you should make sure that all plants are planted far away from the septic system.

Landscaping around your leach field lines takes consideration and effort. Your leach field line is crucial for your septic’s life span. You wouldn’t want your landscaping become the end of your wastewater treatment system, would you? Be sure that you plan your landscaping well so that you won’t suffer from poor decisions in the long run.