This article will cover. If you are a dedicated homeowner who wants to have an efficient and long lasting wastewater treatment system, you have to make sure that it is always functioning optimally. You have to adhere to the proper use of your drains, toilets, and sinks so that your septic system will perform its job properly. Proper use of the septic system means that you have to prevent septic problems. The most common issue faced here is clogging. Many homeowners opt to make their septic system an aerobic system to make things a lot more efficient. Once you transform your septic system into an aerobic system, you introduce a lot of oxygen into it. This high amount of oxygen encourages the growth of more aerobic bacteria that help break down more solid waste particles. The bacteria also help purify the effluent a lot faster and a lot more thoroughly.
Clogging can indeed strike an aerobic system. This can happen anytime, anywhere. One quick caused of aerobic system clogging is salt accumulation in your septic system. This can happen when you have hard water issues. Hard water is a type of water that is composed mostly by calcium and magnesium ions. These ions make it very difficult for the detergents to lather up, making your washing tasks almost impossible to finish. Hard water makes you consume a lot more time, effort, and money. You buy more soap so it alters your budget. The soap that you use gets turned into slimy scum that clogs the drains and sinks. Since your detergents do not lather up, your cannot get rid of the grime and dirt quickly. That is why you repeat each task and this consumes a lot of time. You also use more water. This adds up to the septic system’s water load. As you know, when water load in the septic is too much, the solid waste particles are stirred up. Their break down is delayed so they just float around in the septic tank until they are pushed into the drain field to clog it.
To help the hard water situation, many homeowners use water softeners. Water softeners have sodium carbonate or salt. The calcium and magnesium ions are stronger than salt ions so they stick to the beads in the water softeners. They then get flushed out of the water supply system, leaving the salt ions to replace them. Salt makes the water usable. The softened water allows you to finish your washing chores a lot faster. It also makes you save more time and money. As a responsible homeowner, you should understand how salt can cause clogging in an aerobic system. This will allow you to see how you can work with your septic expert in caring more for your septic.
Salt is a known preservative that eliminates bacteria in organic substances so that their shelf life could last longer. Freshwater organisms cannot survive when they are placed in a saltwater environment. So, when you use water softeners frequently, you introduce a lot of salt into your septic system. This considerably harms the septic system by killing off the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. As a result, the breakdown of solid waste particles is halted, leading to the clogging of the entire aerobic system. Salt can also stick to the aerobic system itself.
It is ideal to ask for your septic expert’s help so that helpful additives can be added to your aerobic septic system when you use water softeners. You should also adhere to the pumping schedules you have arranged with your septic expert so that the aerobic septic system could be regularly cleaned. This way, any salt residue will be eliminated.
Your aerobic system is a valuable element in your home. You should see to it that it remains in good condition even if you do use water softeners all the time. This would definitely prevent clogging in your aerobic system.